Hub de insights Net-Zero

As últimas notícias, entrevistas, tecnologias e recursos do setor.
Quais são as perspectivas para o lítio este ano?
May 13, 2024

Quais são as perspectivas para o lítio este ano?

O artigo destaca a crescente demanda por lítio devido à adoção de veículos elétricos. Apesar dos desafios de fornecimento em países como Bolívia e Chile, as mineradoras multinacionais estão aumentando agressivamente a produção, sinalizando confiança no futuro do mercado, apesar das preocupações iniciais com a volatilidade.
Trazendo educação às demandas da mineração e do mercado de trabalho
March 15, 2024

Trazendo educação às demandas da mineração e do mercado de trabalho

O artigo a seguir investiga a interseção entre a educação e as demandas trabalhistas do setor de mineração, lançando luz sobre as repercussões da pandemia nos padrões educacionais e enfatizando a conexão vital entre educação e força de trabalho.
Gigantes da mineração minimizam a indústria líquida zero, agora correndo para impulsionar a produção de lítio
May 10, 2024

Gigantes da mineração minimizam a indústria líquida zero, agora correndo para impulsionar a produção de lítio

O artigo a seguir destaca os movimentos estratégicos de gigantes multinacionais da mineração, como Rio Tinto e Glencore, enquanto eles correm para impulsionar a produção de lítio, apesar das hesitações iniciais sobre a volatilidade do mercado.
Entrevista com o Sr. Julio Cesar Puentes, vice-presidente de investimento estrangeiro da ProColombia
May 10, 2024

Entrevista com o Sr. Julio Cesar Puentes, vice-presidente de investimento estrangeiro da ProColombia

Papel fundamental da ProColombia na aceleração do investimento e desenvolvimento em energia renovável da Colômbia
Oportunidades de investimento no setor de energia de Marrocos
March 19, 2024

Oportunidades de investimento no setor de energia de Marrocos

Este artigo fornece uma visão geral abrangente das ambiciosas iniciativas e desenvolvimentos estratégicos de Marrocos em energia renovável, enfatizando particularmente seu potencial como líder na produção de hidrogênio verde. Ele descreve o investimento significativo de Marrocos em energia verde, incluindo um investimento planejado de 2,3 bilhões de dólares de 2023 a 2027, e as políticas de apoio e incentivos ao investimento do governo com o objetivo de atrair investimento estrangeiro direto.
Marrocos e o futuro do hidrogênio verde
March 15, 2024

Marrocos e o futuro do hidrogênio verde

Neste artigo perspicaz, exploramos o papel pioneiro de Marrocos no setor de hidrogênio verde, um elemento crítico na busca global por um futuro de energia sustentável.
Aproveitando o sol e o vento: a revolução da energia renovável em Marrocos
March 15, 2024

Aproveitando o sol e o vento: a revolução da energia renovável em Marrocos

Este artigo fornece uma exploração aprofundada da jornada transformadora de Marrocos em energia renovável, destacando suas conquistas e aspirações futuras neste setor.
O renascimento renovável de Marrocos: pioneiros em um futuro sustentável com hidrogênio verde
March 15, 2024

O renascimento renovável de Marrocos: pioneiros em um futuro sustentável com hidrogênio verde

Este artigo fornece uma análise aprofundada da estratégia ambiciosa de Marrocos para se tornar um centro global para a produção de hidrogênio verde, destacando a abordagem inovadora do país à energia sustentável. O foco do artigo é como o Marrocos está superando suas restrições geográficas e de recursos para alcançar a independência energética e contribuir para os esforços globais de sustentabilidade.
Entrevista com o gerente da unidade de negócios da Siemens, Gonzalo Josa Scorza
March 15, 2024

Entrevista com o gerente da unidade de negócios da Siemens, Gonzalo Josa Scorza

O artigo a seguir apresenta uma entrevista com Gonzalo Josa Scorza, esclarecendo o papel integral da Siemens na indústria de lítio e seu compromisso em fornecer soluções tecnológicas para o crescimento sustentável na Argentina e na América Latina.
Sinergia América Latina-EUA: um chamado à colaboração em minerais críticos
March 15, 2024

Sinergia América Latina-EUA: um chamado à colaboração em minerais críticos

O artigo destaca a colaboração estratégica entre os EUA e a América Latina, enfatizando uma oportunidade mútua de avanço coletivo em interesses compartilhados.
Entrevista com Ceta Capital Humano
March 15, 2024

Entrevista com Ceta Capital Humano

O artigo a seguir apresenta uma entrevista com Ernesto Fernandez Machado, CEO e fundador, e com Cintia Vanesa Liendro, gerente da divisão de mineração, esclarecendo seu papel integral no campo da gestão pessoal e seu compromisso em transformar o mundo do capital humano.
Entrevista com o CEO da We Soda, Alasdair Warren
March 15, 2024

Entrevista com o CEO da We Soda, Alasdair Warren

O artigo a seguir apresenta uma entrevista com Alasdair Warren, CEO da WE Soda, esclarecendo o papel fundamental da empresa na cadeia de suprimentos de lítio e seu compromisso com práticas sustentáveis.
Entrevista com o CEO da YPF Luz, Martin Mandarano
March 15, 2024

Entrevista com o CEO da YPF Luz, Martin Mandarano

Na entrevista a seguir, Martín Mandarano, CEO da YPF Luz, fala sobre os projetos inovadores da empresa, seus esforços de sustentabilidade e seu papel na formação do cenário energético da Argentina.
Entrevista com o membro do Comitê Executivo da Manuchar, Stefan Van Loock
March 15, 2024

Entrevista com o membro do Comitê Executivo da Manuchar, Stefan Van Loock

O artigo a seguir apresenta uma entrevista com Stefan Van Loock, membro do Comitê Executivo da Manuchar, que esclarece o papel fundamental da empresa na otimização da cadeia de suprimentos e nas estratégias de entrada no mercado para empresas que operam nos setores de distribuição de produtos químicos e lítio.
Entrevista com a Ministra de Minas e Energia da Colômbia, Irene Vélez Torres
March 15, 2024

Entrevista com a Ministra de Minas e Energia da Colômbia, Irene Vélez Torres

O artigo a seguir aborda uma entrevista conduzida com Irene Vélez Torres, Ministra de Minas e Energia da Colômbia, sobre a estratégia do país para alcançar uma transição energética justa, os roteiros de hidrogênio e energia eólica offshore da Colômbia, os principais projetos solares e eólicos e os planos para eletrificar áreas não interconectadas em todo o país.
O crescente setor de energias renováveis da Argentina
March 15, 2024

O crescente setor de energias renováveis da Argentina

Nos últimos anos, o governo da Argentina estabeleceu metas ambiciosas para energia renovável e implementou políticas para apoiar o crescimento do setor. Neste artigo, examinaremos mais de perto o potencial do mercado de energia renovável da Argentina, bem como alguns dos principais projetos e seu impacto na matriz energética do país.
Aproveitando o sol e o vento: o salto da África Ocidental em direção à independência de energia renovável
May 13, 2024

Aproveitando o sol e o vento: o salto da África Ocidental em direção à independência de energia renovável

O artigo discute a jornada da África Ocidental rumo à independência de energia renovável, destacando os desafios da região, como o acesso limitado à eletricidade e a dependência de energia à base de petróleo. Ele detalha iniciativas e investimentos em energia solar e eólica, enfatizando a importância da cooperação regional e internacional para alcançar metas de energia sustentável. A África Ocidental visa transformar seu cenário energético, garantindo eficiência energética e acesso universal à energia limpa.
O movimento estratégico de Marrocos no setor de hidrogênio verde: Revelando a “Oferta do Marrocos”
May 13, 2024

O movimento estratégico de Marrocos no setor de hidrogênio verde: Revelando a “Oferta do Marrocos”

O artigo discute a ambiciosa “Oferta de Marrocos” do Marrocos no setor de hidrogênio verde. Ele descreve o plano do país para se tornar um líder na produção e exportação de hidrogênio verde, usando suas vantagens geográficas, naturais e de infraestrutura. O Marrocos tem como objetivo reduzir as emissões de carbono, diversificar suas fontes de energia e atrair investidores globais e fornecedores de tecnologia, alocando 1 milhão de hectares para projetos de hidrogênio verde. A iniciativa é voltada para a promoção da inovação, impulsionando o crescimento econômico e contribuindo para a sustentabilidade ambiental global.
Oportunidades de investimento no setor de energia de Marrocos
March 19, 2024

Oportunidades de investimento no setor de energia de Marrocos

Este artigo fornece uma visão geral abrangente das ambiciosas iniciativas e desenvolvimentos estratégicos de Marrocos em energia renovável, enfatizando particularmente seu potencial como líder na produção de hidrogênio verde. Ele descreve o investimento significativo de Marrocos em energia verde, incluindo um investimento planejado de 2,3 bilhões de dólares de 2023 a 2027, e as políticas de apoio e incentivos ao investimento do governo com o objetivo de atrair investimento estrangeiro direto.
Marrocos e o futuro do hidrogênio verde
March 15, 2024

Marrocos e o futuro do hidrogênio verde

Neste artigo perspicaz, exploramos o papel pioneiro de Marrocos no setor de hidrogênio verde, um elemento crítico na busca global por um futuro de energia sustentável.
Aproveitando o sol e o vento: a revolução da energia renovável em Marrocos
March 15, 2024

Aproveitando o sol e o vento: a revolução da energia renovável em Marrocos

Este artigo fornece uma exploração aprofundada da jornada transformadora de Marrocos em energia renovável, destacando suas conquistas e aspirações futuras neste setor.
O renascimento renovável de Marrocos: pioneiros em um futuro sustentável com hidrogênio verde
March 15, 2024

O renascimento renovável de Marrocos: pioneiros em um futuro sustentável com hidrogênio verde

Este artigo fornece uma análise aprofundada da estratégia ambiciosa de Marrocos para se tornar um centro global para a produção de hidrogênio verde, destacando a abordagem inovadora do país à energia sustentável. O foco do artigo é como o Marrocos está superando suas restrições geográficas e de recursos para alcançar a independência energética e contribuir para os esforços globais de sustentabilidade.
Gerenciando subsídios ao petróleo e o foco 3G da Mauritânia: ouro, hidrogênio verde e gás
March 15, 2024

Gerenciando subsídios ao petróleo e o foco 3G da Mauritânia: ouro, hidrogênio verde e gás

O artigo a seguir abordará a recente redução dos subsídios ao petróleo da Mauritânia para aliviar os encargos sobre os setores público e privado, o potencial mineral do país, a prospecção e licenciamento de ouro, bem como os recentes avanços em hidrogênio verde e E&P de GNL.
Colombia’s Energy Transition: Insights from Bancolombia on Green Hydrogen and Renewable Growth
January 20, 2025

Colombia’s Energy Transition: Insights from Bancolombia on Green Hydrogen and Renewable Growth

Bancolombia’s Daniel Arango shares how Colombia can emerge as a regional leader in energy transition by reducing GHG emissions, scaling renewable projects like solar energy, and advancing green hydrogen initiatives with innovative financial solutions.
Exclusive Interview with Christian Möbius, Commercial Director at Southern Cross
November 1, 2024

Exclusive Interview with Christian Möbius, Commercial Director at Southern Cross

Southern Cross Exploration drives sustainable lithium exploration in Argentina's Lithium Triangle, prioritising environmental responsibility and community partnerships. Leveraging advanced technology, the Hombre Muerto South project targets high-quality brine resources to meet rising lithium demand for EVs and renewable energy sectors.
Exclusive Interview with Anjani Sri Mourya Sunkavalli, Founder & Managing Director of ALTMIN
October 29, 2024

Exclusive Interview with Anjani Sri Mourya Sunkavalli, Founder & Managing Director of ALTMIN

Altmin is driving innovation in the lithium-ion battery sector with eco-friendly materials and next-gen technologies. Through sustainable sourcing and cutting-edge R&D, they are enhancing supply chain security and supporting the global EV market. Discover how Altmin's solutions are shaping the future of energy storage.
Exclusive Interview with Romina Parquet, CEO & Founder of CIMC WETRANS Argentina
August 14, 2024

Exclusive Interview with Romina Parquet, CEO & Founder of CIMC WETRANS Argentina

Romina Parquet, CEO & Founder of Delfin Group Argentina, emphasizes CIMC WETRANS's high-quality modular containers that ensure efficient, durable, and eco-friendly construction for remote mining and energy projects. These containers offer rapid deployment and customizable solutions, making them ideal for Argentina's demanding industrial sectors.
Exclusive Interview with MSU
July 1, 2024

Exclusive Interview with MSU

In this exclusive interview for Argentina Energy Week (AEW) 2024, leaders from MSU Green Energy discuss their leadership in Argentina's energy transition, highlighting significant investments in solar projects and sustainable initiatives. Discover their commitment to community impact, technological innovation, and overcoming market challenges.
Exclusive Interview with Edenor
June 24, 2024

Exclusive Interview with Edenor

In this exclusive interview for Argentina Energy Week (AEW) 2024, EDENOR’s leaders discuss their role as Argentina’s largest electricity distributor, highlighting their transition to clean energy and technological innovations. Learn about their sustainability initiatives and community programs, and discover their strategic vision for the future, including smart grid development and renewable energy projects.
Exclusive Interview with Ten Broking
June 19, 2024

Exclusive Interview with Ten Broking

In this exclusive interview for Argentina Energy Week (AEW) 2024, leaders from Ten Broking discuss their expertise in providing specialized insurance and reinsurance solutions for energy projects in Latin America. Explore their rapid expansion since 2021, driven by strategic partnerships and knowledge transfer. Learn how Ten Broking ensures effective, personalized solutions for complex energy projects, and discover their recent innovations in risk management, including advanced cyber risk services and carbon credit insurance.
Exclusive Interview with Schneider Electric
June 11, 2024

Exclusive Interview with Schneider Electric

In this exclusive interview for the Argentina Energy Week (AEW) 2024, Schneider Electric, a globally recognized leader in sustainable energy management and automation, shares insights on their tailored solutions for the Argentine market. Explore how Schneider Electric integrates advanced technologies to enhance energy efficiency and management in local projects, driving a strategic digital transformation through Distributed Energy Resource Management, Digital Twin development, and Integrated Operations Management.
Exclusive Interview with ATESS Power
June 11, 2024

Exclusive Interview with ATESS Power

In this exclusive interview for Argentina Energy Week (AEW) 2024, ATESS Power discusses their cutting-edge advancements in energy storage and EV charging solutions, tailored specifically for the Argentinian market. Explore how ATESS Power is leveraging innovation to enhance solar energy storage, improve energy density, and support Argentina's burgeoning tram infrastructure with versatile charging options.
Pioneering Renewable Energy: Sygma Maroc’s Role in Transforming Morocco’s Green Energy Landscape
May 17, 2024

Pioneering Renewable Energy: Sygma Maroc’s Role in Transforming Morocco’s Green Energy Landscape

This interview with Sygma Maroc discusses the company's extensive experience and contributions to renewable energy projects in Morocco. It highlights their innovative investments in data management, AI integration, continuous employee education, and participation in technological events. The interview also explores Sygma Maroc's role in supporting Morocco's ambitious goal to increase renewable energy in its energy mix to 52% by 2030, their involvement in significant renewable energy plants, and their vision for future growth and leadership in the green energy sector.
Mitsubishi Power Aero's Role in Morocco's Energy Future
May 13, 2024

Mitsubishi Power Aero's Role in Morocco's Energy Future

In this insightful interview with Mr. Zaher Fawwaz, the Regional Sales Director at Mitsubishi Power Aero, we'll delve into the significant role that Mitsubishi Power Aero plays within Morocco's dynamic energy landscape.
TwinDimension by Grupo Tesacom at AEW 2024: Pioneering Energy Transition through IoT Innovation — An Exclusive Interview
May 10, 2024

TwinDimension by Grupo Tesacom at AEW 2024: Pioneering Energy Transition through IoT Innovation — An Exclusive Interview

In this exclusive interview for the Argentina Energy Week (AEW) 2024, leaders from TwinDimension by Grupo Tesacom explore the transformative role of IoT in the energy sector. Delve into Argentina's energy transition challenges and opportunities, and discover how cutting-edge solutions are redefining efficiency and sustainability. Uncover the impact of advanced technologies in crafting a greener energy future.
Exclusive Interview with Christian Möbius, Commercial Director at Southern Cross
November 1, 2024

Exclusive Interview with Christian Möbius, Commercial Director at Southern Cross

Southern Cross Exploration drives sustainable lithium exploration in Argentina's Lithium Triangle, prioritising environmental responsibility and community partnerships. Leveraging advanced technology, the Hombre Muerto South project targets high-quality brine resources to meet rising lithium demand for EVs and renewable energy sectors.
Exclusive Interview with Anjani Sri Mourya Sunkavalli, Founder & Managing Director of ALTMIN
October 29, 2024

Exclusive Interview with Anjani Sri Mourya Sunkavalli, Founder & Managing Director of ALTMIN

Altmin is driving innovation in the lithium-ion battery sector with eco-friendly materials and next-gen technologies. Through sustainable sourcing and cutting-edge R&D, they are enhancing supply chain security and supporting the global EV market. Discover how Altmin's solutions are shaping the future of energy storage.
Exclusive Interview with Romina Parquet, CEO & Founder of CIMC WETRANS Argentina
August 14, 2024

Exclusive Interview with Romina Parquet, CEO & Founder of CIMC WETRANS Argentina

Romina Parquet, CEO & Founder of Delfin Group Argentina, emphasizes CIMC WETRANS's high-quality modular containers that ensure efficient, durable, and eco-friendly construction for remote mining and energy projects. These containers offer rapid deployment and customizable solutions, making them ideal for Argentina's demanding industrial sectors.
Exclusive Interview with MSU
July 1, 2024

Exclusive Interview with MSU

In this exclusive interview for Argentina Energy Week (AEW) 2024, leaders from MSU Green Energy discuss their leadership in Argentina's energy transition, highlighting significant investments in solar projects and sustainable initiatives. Discover their commitment to community impact, technological innovation, and overcoming market challenges.
Exclusive Interview with Edenor
June 24, 2024

Exclusive Interview with Edenor

In this exclusive interview for Argentina Energy Week (AEW) 2024, EDENOR’s leaders discuss their role as Argentina’s largest electricity distributor, highlighting their transition to clean energy and technological innovations. Learn about their sustainability initiatives and community programs, and discover their strategic vision for the future, including smart grid development and renewable energy projects.
Exclusive Interview with Ten Broking
June 19, 2024

Exclusive Interview with Ten Broking

In this exclusive interview for Argentina Energy Week (AEW) 2024, leaders from Ten Broking discuss their expertise in providing specialized insurance and reinsurance solutions for energy projects in Latin America. Explore their rapid expansion since 2021, driven by strategic partnerships and knowledge transfer. Learn how Ten Broking ensures effective, personalized solutions for complex energy projects, and discover their recent innovations in risk management, including advanced cyber risk services and carbon credit insurance.
Exclusive Interview with Schneider Electric
June 11, 2024

Exclusive Interview with Schneider Electric

In this exclusive interview for the Argentina Energy Week (AEW) 2024, Schneider Electric, a globally recognized leader in sustainable energy management and automation, shares insights on their tailored solutions for the Argentine market. Explore how Schneider Electric integrates advanced technologies to enhance energy efficiency and management in local projects, driving a strategic digital transformation through Distributed Energy Resource Management, Digital Twin development, and Integrated Operations Management.
Exclusive Interview with ATESS Power
June 11, 2024

Exclusive Interview with ATESS Power

In this exclusive interview for Argentina Energy Week (AEW) 2024, ATESS Power discusses their cutting-edge advancements in energy storage and EV charging solutions, tailored specifically for the Argentinian market. Explore how ATESS Power is leveraging innovation to enhance solar energy storage, improve energy density, and support Argentina's burgeoning tram infrastructure with versatile charging options.
TwinDimension by Grupo Tesacom at AEW 2024: Pioneering Energy Transition through IoT Innovation — An Exclusive Interview
May 10, 2024

TwinDimension by Grupo Tesacom at AEW 2024: Pioneering Energy Transition through IoT Innovation — An Exclusive Interview

In this exclusive interview for the Argentina Energy Week (AEW) 2024, leaders from TwinDimension by Grupo Tesacom explore the transformative role of IoT in the energy sector. Delve into Argentina's energy transition challenges and opportunities, and discover how cutting-edge solutions are redefining efficiency and sustainability. Uncover the impact of advanced technologies in crafting a greener energy future.
Entrevista com o Sr. Julio Cesar Puentes, vice-presidente de investimento estrangeiro da ProColombia
May 10, 2024

Entrevista com o Sr. Julio Cesar Puentes, vice-presidente de investimento estrangeiro da ProColombia

Papel fundamental da ProColombia na aceleração do investimento e desenvolvimento em energia renovável da Colômbia
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Chile’s Critical Minerals and the Need for a Stronger Exploration Push
February 27, 2025

Chile’s Critical Minerals and the Need for a Stronger Exploration Push

02/27/27, London The Net Zero Circle. Chile, a global leader in copper and lithium, must strengthen its mineral exploration policies to maintain its competitive edge. With rising demand for critical minerals, regulatory reforms, tax incentives, and public-private partnerships are key to unlocking new investment and securing Chile’s role in the global energy transition.
A $200 Million Solar Park Marks a New Era for Colombia’s Renewable Sector
January 17, 2025

A $200 Million Solar Park Marks a New Era for Colombia’s Renewable Sector

Colombia is emerging as a major player in renewable energy, shifting away from its reliance on hydroelectric power. The inauguration of a 144 MW solar park by Spanish energy firm Zelestra marks a decisive step in the country’s energy transition. With abundant solar and wind resources, investor-friendly policies, and increasing demand for clean energy, Colombia is rapidly becoming an attractive destination for global renewable energy investments.
Colombia’s Energy Transition: Why Energy Security Is Key
December 19, 2024

Colombia’s Energy Transition: Why Energy Security Is Key

Colombia faces critical energy challenges, including climate phenomena like El Niño and delays in energy policy. Natalia Gutiérrez, president of Acolgen, underscores that ensuring energy security is essential for a successful transition to cleaner energy sources. With investments of COP 10 trillion needed by 2027, the country must adopt a balanced energy strategy that integrates renewables and reliable conventional technologies.
Invest in the Modernisation of 16 Sugar Mills in Cuba and Tap into a Growing Sector
November 12, 2024

Invest in the Modernisation of 16 Sugar Mills in Cuba and Tap into a Growing Sector

Azcuba, the Cuban Sugar Group, is offering a unique opportunity for international investors to participate in the modernisation of 16 active sugar mills in Cuba. This ambitious project focuses on boosting production capacity, improving energy efficiency, and fostering sustainability through advanced technologies. With significant financial and environmental benefits, this project represents a compelling investment opportunity.
CIMC Wetrans: Revolutionising Modular Mining Camps in Argentina with Sustainable Solutions
October 31, 2024

CIMC Wetrans: Revolutionising Modular Mining Camps in Argentina with Sustainable Solutions

CIMC Wetrans leads the innovation of modular mining camps in Argentina, offering sustainable, cost-effective solutions. With new container technology, they reduce construction time by 50% while enhancing efficiency and environmental responsibility in remote mining operations.
Europe’s Lithium Leap: A Sustainable Path to Energy Independence
October 24, 2024

Europe’s Lithium Leap: A Sustainable Path to Energy Independence

As the world races toward electric vehicles (EVs) and renewable energy adoption, the demand for lithium—a crucial component in modern batteries—is soaring. Europe, recognizing the importance of lithium for the green transition, is working hard to reduce its dependence on imported lithium. This shift is both about energy security and the need for driving sustainability in the mining and manufacturing sectors.
Lithium Price Fluctuations: Impacts, Opportunities, and Brazil's Strategic Advantage
October 17, 2024

Lithium Price Fluctuations: Impacts, Opportunities, and Brazil's Strategic Advantage

In recent months, the global lithium market has experienced significant price volatility, capturing the attention of industry leaders, investors, and policymakers. As the world transitions towards electric vehicles (EVs) and renewable energy storage, lithium has emerged as a critical component, making fluctuations in its price a matter of substantial concern. This article explores the underlying causes of these fluctuations, their implications for the industry and its key players, the opportunities that arise from this volatility, and how countries such as Brazil are uniquely positioned to benefit from the current market dynamics.
Chile Prioritizes Six Salt Flats For Lithium Exploration In A First Round
September 30, 2024

Chile Prioritizes Six Salt Flats For Lithium Exploration In A First Round

Chile prioritizes six salt flats for lithium exploration, advancing its National Lithium Strategy to meet rising global demand. This move strengthens Chile's position in the lithium market, with more projects to follow.
Latin America and the Caribbean: The Next Prime Destination for Energy Investment
September 24, 2024

Latin America and the Caribbean: The Next Prime Destination for Energy Investment

Latin America and the Caribbean are growing hotspots for energy investment, with remarkable potential for those looking for the opportunity. The region’s abundant renewable resources and recognised commitment to a clean energy future make it an attractive prospect for investors. Here’s a closer look at why Latin America and the Caribbean are so promising and how the Cuba Energy Summit 2024 can open doors to those opportunities.
Cuba Secures Resources for the Construction of 92 Photovoltaic Parks
July 29, 2024

Cuba Secures Resources for the Construction of 92 Photovoltaic Parks

Cuban government to build 92 photovoltaic parks to increase renewable energy capacity through international collaborations.
Building a Green Future: Germany and Morocco’s Strategic Energy Partnership
August 21, 2024

Building a Green Future: Germany and Morocco’s Strategic Energy Partnership

Germany and Morocco are embarking on an ambitious partnership that promises to be a game-changer in the realm of green hydrogen production and renewable energy. This collaboration, as highlighted by a news release from the German Development Ministry (BMZ), is poised to enhance efforts in climate adaptation, expand renewable energy capacities, and promote the sustainable production of green hydrogen. With a shared vision for a greener future, this alliance not only benefits both nations but also sets a precedent for international cooperation in addressing climate change and fostering sustainable development.
Chile's Lithium Revolution: Unveiling Opportunities in the Global Market, by Daniel Weinstein.
August 21, 2024

Chile's Lithium Revolution: Unveiling Opportunities in the Global Market, by Daniel Weinstein.

Chile is opening up its vast lithium reserves to global investors with the new National Lithium Strategy, aiming to boost production through public-private partnerships. This strategic shift marks a significant opportunity for sustainable energy and innovation in the lithium market.
CIMC Wetrans: Revolutionising Modular Mining Camps in Argentina with Sustainable Solutions
October 31, 2024

CIMC Wetrans: Revolutionising Modular Mining Camps in Argentina with Sustainable Solutions

CIMC Wetrans leads the innovation of modular mining camps in Argentina, offering sustainable, cost-effective solutions. With new container technology, they reduce construction time by 50% while enhancing efficiency and environmental responsibility in remote mining operations.
Lithium Price Fluctuations: Impacts, Opportunities, and Brazil's Strategic Advantage
October 17, 2024

Lithium Price Fluctuations: Impacts, Opportunities, and Brazil's Strategic Advantage

In recent months, the global lithium market has experienced significant price volatility, capturing the attention of industry leaders, investors, and policymakers. As the world transitions towards electric vehicles (EVs) and renewable energy storage, lithium has emerged as a critical component, making fluctuations in its price a matter of substantial concern. This article explores the underlying causes of these fluctuations, their implications for the industry and its key players, the opportunities that arise from this volatility, and how countries such as Brazil are uniquely positioned to benefit from the current market dynamics.
Chile's Lithium Revolution: Unveiling Opportunities in the Global Market, by Daniel Weinstein.
August 21, 2024

Chile's Lithium Revolution: Unveiling Opportunities in the Global Market, by Daniel Weinstein.

Chile is opening up its vast lithium reserves to global investors with the new National Lithium Strategy, aiming to boost production through public-private partnerships. This strategic shift marks a significant opportunity for sustainable energy and innovation in the lithium market.
Strategic Minerals for a Zero-Emissions future: The crucial role of Mining in Sustainable Development
May 13, 2024

Strategic Minerals for a Zero-Emissions future: The crucial role of Mining in Sustainable Development

In the face of escalating climate concerns and the global imperative for sustainable development, the role of strategic minerals in achieving a zero-emission future has never been more critical. This article delves into how the mining industry, with its extraction of vital minerals like lithium, cobalt, nickel, and copper, underpins the burgeoning sectors of renewable energy and electromobility
Chile's Solar Energy Surge: Leading the Global Transition to Renewable Power
May 13, 2024

Chile's Solar Energy Surge: Leading the Global Transition to Renewable Power

Chile leads globally in solar energy, achieving 7.59% solar power consumption in 2022 through strategic investments and policies. It faces challenges like regulatory hurdles, yet collaborative efforts and organizations like IN-VR drive its renewable sector forward. Chile's success offers a model for sustainable energy development worldwide, emphasizing innovation and environmental balance.
Quais são as perspectivas para o lítio este ano?
May 13, 2024

Quais são as perspectivas para o lítio este ano?

O artigo destaca a crescente demanda por lítio devido à adoção de veículos elétricos. Apesar dos desafios de fornecimento em países como Bolívia e Chile, as mineradoras multinacionais estão aumentando agressivamente a produção, sinalizando confiança no futuro do mercado, apesar das preocupações iniciais com a volatilidade.
O movimento estratégico de Marrocos no setor de hidrogênio verde: Revelando a “Oferta do Marrocos”
May 13, 2024

O movimento estratégico de Marrocos no setor de hidrogênio verde: Revelando a “Oferta do Marrocos”

O artigo discute a ambiciosa “Oferta de Marrocos” do Marrocos no setor de hidrogênio verde. Ele descreve o plano do país para se tornar um líder na produção e exportação de hidrogênio verde, usando suas vantagens geográficas, naturais e de infraestrutura. O Marrocos tem como objetivo reduzir as emissões de carbono, diversificar suas fontes de energia e atrair investidores globais e fornecedores de tecnologia, alocando 1 milhão de hectares para projetos de hidrogênio verde. A iniciativa é voltada para a promoção da inovação, impulsionando o crescimento econômico e contribuindo para a sustentabilidade ambiental global.
Advancing AI: What will happen to Human Resources in Mining?
May 13, 2024
Opinion Piece

Advancing AI: What will happen to Human Resources in Mining?

This article examines the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Human Resources (HR) within the mining sector, highlighting the balance between technological advancements and the indispensable human element. As AI redefines roles and processes, we explore the nuanced interaction between innovation and the intrinsic value of human talent in driving the industry forward.
Advancing AI: What will happen to Human Resources in Mining?
May 13, 2024
Opinion Piece

Advancing AI: What will happen to Human Resources in Mining?

This article examines the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Human Resources (HR) within the mining sector, highlighting the balance between technological advancements and the indispensable human element. As AI redefines roles and processes, we explore the nuanced interaction between innovation and the intrinsic value of human talent in driving the industry forward.
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